“The Camera - ISO & Gain”


  • What is ISO? 

It is a digital sensor to light. It is used to describe the sensitivity in film

  • What is the visual difference between low & high ISO?

Low ISO is used in a situation where if the photo you're taking has bright lighting conditions it would dim the image. Vice versa high ISO is used in a situation where if the photo you’re taking has low lighting conditions it would brighten the image.

  • When do you use a lower ISO? When do you use a higher ISO? 

In brighter lighting a low ISO is ideal. In dim lighting a high ISO is ideal. 

  • Find visual examples of low & high ISO noise visibility 



  • What is Gain? 

Gain increase the amplification of the ISO and apparent sensitivity to light

  • When do you not need to add gain? When do you need to add gain? 

In brighter lighting a low ISO is ideal. In dim lighting a high ISO is ideal. 


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